Another movie that slipped under my radar that has everything I like in a movie.
- Crime
- Very flawed protagonist trying to reassemble his life
- Great cast
- Okay writing
I say okay writing because it's just that. There's nothing memorable about the dialogue or the plot. Which is good. Sometimes simple plots and dialogue that can be easily spat out by a good cast are enough. In this case, both are.
If the plot had been complicated, the movie would've been unwatchable outside of the cast. They keep it grounded and the simplicity of the plot keeps it moving. It's an above-average movie to discover on cable or, in my case, streaming.
The biggest weakness of the flick is the two hitmen. They're not interesting and, for professional killers, they're dumb. But they're not bumbling dumb. They're just stupid. Yet they're not supposed to be, at least the way the film tries to sell them.
In my opinion, they shouldn't have spoken at all. It would have stuck to the overall point of the movie; small simple crimes that fall quickly into extreme outcomes. It would have made them a helluva lot more interesting, too. All they had to be were mysterious vessels of murder.
This is my long way of saying they were overwritten.
Also, the parents of the first murder victim had about as much charm as empty chairs.
Anyway, at about 90 minutes, it's a good watch.